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“The monument has only one condition of existence: its practice by the human.” 

The built heritage is particularly in line with this idea; as long as a monument retains human interest, it lives on. 

It is the intensity of this interest that conditions its existence. 

Whatever its history or function, a building provokes and channels a flow; by analogy with an electric current, this "tension" is generated by a potential difference - here, the attraction is sparked by a place. 

As electrons are attracted by a positive charge, the intrinsic quality of a building attracts humans. 

A bridge holds its meaning in the fact that it permits the crossing between two ends. After crossing a bridge, it has accomplished its role and therefore loses its interest. The challenge is then to give the footbridge the necessary arguments for its sustainability by giving it a main role in the development of the city. 

The structure creates this potential difference, it manages and regulates the movements between the two banks by a set of switches and inverters. 

The footbridge symbolizes a historical desire for development as a strong link between the contemporary city anchored in the future, and the fallow city.  

Thanks to a dynamic and reactive crossing, the visitor is involved in the evolution of the construction and crossing is no longer a simple question of movement but the main goal.

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